Success Story

In 2012, our parent company Canal Engineering was struggling to recruit the skilled workforce needed to grow the business and to fill the gaps with an aging workforce.

Unable to find the right training for the business, Canal Engineering established CEATA, a new division dedicated to delivering its own training.

From pilot group to external apprenticeships

CEATA opened in 2013 with just 6 apprentices and 10 unemployed learners as a pilot group.

By 2016, CEATA was delivering apprenticeships for other businesses and had a regular programme for unemployed learners. Following their training, these learners were quickly offered employment in local businesses. CEATA expanded so quickly that it outgrew the training area within the factory and moved to new premises.

Investing in the future of engineering

In March 2017, CEATA moved to a new training academy close to the main factory site on Lenton Lane in Nottingham. With a massive investment of over £250,000, Canal Engineering developed the new academy with fully equipped welding, fabrication and mechanical engineering workshops, along with a suite of classrooms, an IT centre, canteen and break areas for students.

Since the introduction of apprenticeships at Canal Engineering, the average age of staff in production areas has dropped from 55 to 32 in just 5 years. Current and former apprentices now make up almost 50% of production staff.

Engineering apprenticeship success

Canal Engineering has recruited many apprentices from CEATA’s programme for the unemployed. Some of them have now completed their advanced apprenticeships and are successfully running production jobs in the factory. Others have progressed from the 6-week course to other roles across the business.

Recently, CEATA employed two learners as trainee tutors. They are now undertaking a comprehensive teacher and assessor training programme.

The national Apprenticeship Service recognised Canal Engineering with awards in 2016 and 2017 regionally. Canal were also listed as a Top 100 Apprentice Employer for 2016 and 2017.

Train with CEATA

CEATA can help to develop skills in your business to mirror these successes. For more information about our engineering training, take a look at our course list or get in touch online.

Call us Today

To discuss a training course, arrange a visit to the Academy and receive expert advice, please contact the CEATA Training Manager; you’ll be glad you did!

Call: 0115 986 6321 or Email Us

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An update from CEATA

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